Friday, May 6, 2016

Top 5 History Dates from the 20th Century

We perceive history as a timeline, a group of events which happened due to other events. Nevertheless there are some interesting yet fascinating dates in history that changed the course of all future occurring events within the historical timeline. This are my top 5 history dates from the 20th century that I believe changed the future for better or worse. There were many events in the 20th century that will stick in the mind of people for the foreseeable future.

  • 16th of July - 1945; This symbolic yet frightful date changed the course of history like no other. This is the day that the first ever nuclear device was exploded over the New Mexico desert. The Atomic bomb was named Trinity; what a symbolic name for a device that brought nothing but disaster and death to those who were unfortunate enough to witness its might when it was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nevertheless this was more than a weapon, this was a new step to the "atomic age". Humanity will never be the same after 16th of July 1945, no matter how hard we try or whatever we do.  

  • 1st of December - 1913; Henry Ford perfected the assembly line and started mass producing the famous "Ford Model T". The assembly line plays a huge role of how history evolved. It played a huge role for the upcoming events. After all we as humans love to consume, the mass production of goods meant that those products were available to more people. All of a sudden it was not a luxury to own a car. Once people started having access to new machinery, the economy started booming, and we evolved as humans. - Thanks Henry! However this process did not stop for the Ape like creatures; with mass productions tanks, airplanes, warships and other war-machines came in the dozen. 

  • 4th of November 1950; The European Convention of Human Rights. There is nothing more precious in this world than the life of human beings. Each of us has only a single life and we as humans need to value it. After the Second World War humanity was in shock of what humans were capable of doing to other human beings; the holocaust, mass slaughtering, bombardment of cities and of course the two nuclear bombs that were detonated. Humanity was in crisis and philosophers, politicians and lawyers knew that steps had to be taken. Thus the European Convention of Human Rights was created. This document is quite different from The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, due to many reasons; in the future will explain in depth what it is, mainly it is due to the mechanism and boarders of the two documents and their functionality. 

  • In 1989 Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW). You knew this one was coming, how can we not talk about the Internet. Right now you are reading this over the internet and know exactly why this invention is on this list. It connects the world like nothing before ever did, and it is the dominant form of communication in the 21st century. This is a special honorable mention! Without the internet many things would not have been possible and our life would have been very different. It is quite amazing how an invention such as the Internet could connect people across the continents, bring economic boom/crash and even lead to revolutions within many countries; truly a unique invention!

  • September 4th 1998; Google was born! I really thought if I had to put this date on or not, nevertheless after some thinking I realized that Google has become such a huge role within our daily life that it is the only corporation name that was transformed into a "verb" - Hey let me "google" that... People nowadays cannot imagine their life without Google or any other Search Engine. To be honest I am not sure how most of the Students nowadays would even graduate, can you imagine going to a library and searching for that specific article you need within tons of books? It would be a hassle; most people would never finish their homework/assignment on time. 

Thank you for reading my short Top 5 History Dates from the 20th Century. Hopefully you enjoyed it!
Please comment below what your favorite date of the 20th century is and why! Also leave me a comment on what future projects I should work on.

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